Annual Reports

This page contains the Center for Teaching Excellence's annual reports from the past five years, documenting and highlighting our strategic goals, activities, and significant accomplishments each year. Older reports are available upon request.


This annual report highlights the myriad ways the CTE team helped to advance the University’s teaching mission this year. As you dig in, you will learn about our work with individual instructors, our work with departments, programs, and other units, our efforts to advance institutional priorities, and our contributions to the field of educational development.

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The academic year began with a fair degree of uncertainty due to lingering effects of the pandemic, but our team continued to step up to support and meet the needs of the UVA community to help them keep teaching and learning. This report marks both an end and a beginning: it looks back, giving voice to the past year’s vast and varied accomplishments, while looking forward at a future whose foundation we have systematically laid the past two years. 

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Like others, the CTE was challenged to completely reimagine our work this past year. The virtual environment forced our highly collaborative team to adapt and discover new ways to communicate internally and reexamine how we interact and support instructors. We believe we not only rose to the occasion, but also exceeded expectations in myriad ways. Our 2020-2021 Annual Report highlights how we advanced our strategic goals, our significant accomplishments, new programming and initiatives, and much more.

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This year was shaped by a worldwide pandemic and ongoing racial, social, and political unrest—and so was our work. In our 2019-2020 Annual Report, you'll learn about how the CTE advanced our strategic goals, our five new programs, our massive effort to support instructors immediately after the onset of COVID-19, our commitment to better understand how systemic injustices disadvantage our Black students and faculty and other students and faculty of color in and out of the classroom, and much more.

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The 2018-2019 Annual Report showcases how the CTE has promoted excellence and innovation in teaching and learning at UVA. The report provides an overview of our work across and beyond Grounds, in addition to highlighting other significant accomplishments and milestones of the past year.

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